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We Create unique promotion films to tell your brand story
We Create unique promotion films to tell your brand story
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Clare's Harley Davidson
The Objective

The goal was to create a hype reel to showcase two new Harley models (as well as others) in their legendary Niagara location. 

Being motorcycle fans and an automotive nuts in general we had a blast shooting and putting this together.

Check it out!

McMaster  - National Health Fellows 
The Objective

The goal was to create a series of videos spread awareness about the National Health Fellows leadership group and encourage health leaders across the country to join and participate.

Amber Naturalz - Best Friends and Raina's Grooming
The Objective

The goal was to create a series of videos to promote the new natural pet heath care products now available in Canada through Best Friends and Raina's Pet Store. We also wanted the product to really stand out online so we created 3D renders of one of the products to start with and put together this ad!


DeGroote Shcool of Business McMaster University
The Objective

The goal was to create a series of videos to promote the DeGroote School of Business through McMaster University.  DeGroote needed to promote the overall MBA program, also their Co-op and Full-Time student program. 

Here's one example!

Corus Entertainment Local Radio Campaign
The Objective

The goal was to create a series of videos to promote the new  Y108 (Now Edge 102) morning show team.  Using video to tell (1) a local story about Hamilton and (2) promoting various station promotions with the morning team at the helm.  

After gathering some market research and multiple pre-production meetings and strategy sessions here's what we came up with.

Corus Entertainment
Watch Now

Food Fight

The Objective

A story brand style business film for business man (Bruno Codispoti) 20 years in the food business. Entrepreneur, mentor, wicked guitar player and all around good guy.

Meet Bruno.


Food Fight
Watch Now

Monarch Tea Co.

A story brand style business film for a young business woman passionate about tea.

Katie Cyr from wanted to tell her story through the power of film on her juourney from tea lover to young entrepreneur.

As a young girl Katie remembers sitting with her grandmother sipping tea and it being so memorable for her.  She loves the quote, "Where there's tea there's hope."


My New Channel
Watch Now

Your Brand Film

You do what you do because you're passionate about your work. You're proud of your product, your skill, your talent, your trade. 

You need to ensure that your corporate video helps your brand stand out from the crowd. Not only is it imperative that you create an engaging experience with the target audience, but must also deliver your message and clear intent so that your audience can take action.


Let Agency9 Films tell your story through the magic of video.  

Video Production Pricing

Quality video production, especially for brands and corporate videos, is critical in communicating your value to the audience. Our successful approach to promotional videos has been to create highly effective video that tells a story, delivers compelling messages, as well as communicates a clear call-to-action that persuades the viewer to take action.


Wrench Auto

Meet Josh a young entrepreneur with an innovative big dream.

Brining the traditional auto shop to your home.

Nice one!

Go Wrench Auto
Watch Now

Kevin Gaynor

A creative individual from grade school.

Watch how Kevin turned his love for graphic arts into a successful career.

Kevin Gaynor - Graphic Design
Watch Now

Elite Equine

Wanting to add another element to the experience of owning and boarding a horse at Elite Equine.  Owner Raina Addy set out to bring back the essence of the traditional Cowboy.

Elite Equine
Watch Now

Kem on Cars

Okay we got to cruise around in a Red Ferrari...NUFF said.

Kem on Cars
Watch Now

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